Soil is a living organism

In a healthy forest, the soil is a living and self-sufficient ecosystem. During a plant's life cycle, every nutrient it contains will return to the soil eventually.

Soil critters such as snails, earthworms, centipedes, woodlice, and other insects break down fallen leaves and dead plants into an organic substance that is rich in important nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. At this stage, the nutrients are not yet directly available for the plant to absorb.

Rhizobacteria and mycorrhiza fungi are able to further break down the organic matter into humus. The nutrients released during this mineralization process become available for reabsorption by the plants again.



Rhizobacteria live close to the plant roots. In addition to making nutrients available to the plant, their presence protects the plant against pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria create butyric acid, which encourages the plant to develop more roots. The Rhizobacteria do this for a reason; they need the glucose that enters the soil via the plant roots. Rhizobacteria also benefit greatly from the plant growing strong and healthy.


Mycorrhizal fungi

Mycorrhiza is the collective name for beneficial soil fungi. They are found in most natural ecosystems and have a close association with plants. Mycorrhizal fungi need sugars to survive and extract them from the plant's roots. In exchange, they provide water and nutrients from places in the soil that the roots themselves cannot reach.

Underground, mycorrhizal fungi form a network of microscopically fine fungal filaments. Part of the fungal tissue grows in and around the roots. The other part grows down from the roots deep into the soil. This creates a natural expansion of the root system and increase the absorption capacity through the roots of your plants up to 700%.

Thanks to the enormous size of the mycorrhiza network, a much larger soil volume can be exploited. Deeper and further water and nutrients are taken up by the fungal threads and transported to the plant.

Plants that grow in soil with a good balance between roots, fungi, and bacteria are better protected against diseases, pests, drought, and stress!

Potting soil

Most potting soil is sterilized by heating. This kills weed seeds and pathogenic bacteria, but also the good fungi and bacteria have disappeared. Important nutrients are often present, but due to a lack of soil life, they cannot be absorbed by the plant.

Administering rhizobacteria and mycorrhiza fungi can therefore directly result in better plant development because more nutrients are available. Plants will be more resilient to infection and the use of fertilizers can be greatly reduced.

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